Matriots Ohio

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Personal contributions only. Contributions may be accepted from a partnership or other unincorporated business (LLCs, LLPs) and must be itemized by partner, owner, or member.

Corporate contributions cannot be accepted.

By clicking this button, I confirm that the following statements are true and accurate.
1. This contribution is paid for from a personal account or from a partnership or unincorporated business;
2. This contribution is not made from the general treasury funds of a corporation,
3. I am a citizen of the United States or hold a permanent Resident Card (green card).

Contributions or gifts to The Matriots or from The Matriots to endorsed candidates are not tax deductible. Contributions are limited by law to $15,499.69 per calendar year. Contributions are subject to the limitations and prohibitions of Ohio Election Law.

Refund Policy: All donation transactions are final. No refunds are provided, unless otherwise specified. Contact The Matriots with special requests or circumstances.

Privacy Policy:This information will be reported according to Ohio law to the Ohio Secretary of States Office. It will not be distributed to any other agencies or used for marketing purposes.